
We provide a license for Personal use.The purpose of this license is the individual and personal use of the photo that the user downloads. The purpose is for the owner of the vehicle to have a pleasant artistic memory of his car or motorcycle.

The following are “Permitted Uses” of the media purchased from us:

-Publication in social networks or profile image;

-Fundo decorativo em um computador pessoal ou dispositivo móvel;

-Printing the image on posters or canvas for personal decorative use;online or electronic publications, including websites, blogs, e-books and videos, limited to a maximum of 480,000 total pixels (e.g. 600px x 800px) per media file where they are not edited.

Usos proibidos:

-Invitations, advertising and promotional projects, including printed materials, product packaging, presentations, film and video presentations, advertisements, catalogues, brochures, promotional greeting cards and promotional postcards up to a number of prints;

-Entertainment applications such as books and book covers, magazines, newspapers, publishing houses, newsletters and video presentations, broadcast and theater up to an unlimited number of impressions;

-Prints, posters (i.e., a hard copy) and other reproductions for promotional, resale, licensing or other distribution purposes up to an unlimited number of prints;

-Installing and using Stock Media in more than one location or posting a copy of Stock Media on a network server or web server for use by other users Sublicense, resell, rent, loan, assignment, gift or transfer or distribution of the Media or the rights granted under these terms;

-Use any of the media as part of a trademark, design mark, trade name, service mark or logo;

-Remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary right notices from anywhere on or embedded in the media Use the photographs in a manner that is deemed by us or under applicable law to be pornographic, obscene, immoral, infringing, defamatory or libelous in nature, or that is reasonably likely to bring unhappiness to any person or property reflected in the photographs;

-Use the downloaded content in a manner that competes with our business, including, but not limited to, displaying the media in any format (including thumbnails) for download or export on a website or offering stock media for sale;

-Using the photos for editorial purposes without including the following credit adjacent to the Media or in audiovisual production credits: “©[Carzoomers]”;

-Incorporate the photos into any product that results in a redistribution or reuse of the Stock Media or is available so that a person can extract or access or reproduce the photo as an electronic file;

-To the extent that the source code is contained in Stock Media, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any part of such source code:

-Display the acquired photo in an electronic format that allows it to be downloaded, exported or distributed via mobile devices or shared in any point-to-point or similar file-sharing arrangement;

-Use or display the photographs in such a way as to give the impression that the stock media was created by you or a person other than the media copyright holder.

Para qualquer uso não listado aqui, ou para perguntas sobre nossa licença, entre em contato conosco.

  • Inscrição

Carzoomers informa que o objetivo da coleta e tratamento dos dados pessoais que pedimos é se cadastrar no site e poder fornecer uma conta pessoal e faturas personalizadas caso você faça uma compra em nosso site.
Legitimidade: ao verificar a caixa de aceitação em qualquer um dos formulários do site, você está dando seu consentimento legítimo para que seus dados sejam processados de acordo com os propósitos deste formulário, conforme descrito na política de privacidade e termos de uso.
Como usuário e parte interessada, informamos que os dados que você fornece estarão localizados nos servidores da Gravelines France. (Carzoomers hosting service provider).
Se você não inserir os dados pessoais que aparecem no formulário como obrigatórios, isso pode resultar em minha não ser capaz de atender a sua solicitação.
Carzoomers informa que os dados pessoais que você fornece preenchendo este formulário serão tratados por Jairo Pérez López.
A partir do seu acesso à sua conta, você também pode exercer seus direitos de acesso, retificação, exclusão, oposição, limitação e portabilidade em:

Perdeu sua senha? Por favor, digite seu nome de usuário ou endereço de e-mail. Você receberá um link para criar uma nova senha por e-mail.
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